Energy Solution - Compressed Air

Did you know ...?
That a 1 mm leak in a compressed air pipe can
cause additional costs of EUR 120 per year?
And that 50 to 80 leaks of this size incur annual
additional costs between EUR 6000 and 9500?
  • 1 millimeter leak
    Additional costs of EUR 120/Year
  • 3 millimeter leak
    Additional costs of EUR 1100/Year
How many are in your plant?
  • Measuring operating equipment
    and energy source: Compressed Air
  • Monitoring energy consumption
    and the efficiency of compressors
  • Uncover unexploited potential
    energy savings
  • Automatic tracking of specific
    energy figures
  • Creates energy forecasts
Energy management software:
  • Monitor specific energy consumption 
  • Allocate generation costs across multiple cost centers 
  • Set and monitor target values based on historic data
  • Uncover leaks
  • Calculate additional profits due to energy-saving measures
  • t-mass 65 / t-mass 150
Thermal flowmeter 
-Consumption measurement (standard volume, e.g. Nm3)
-Tracing leaks
  • Prowirl 72/73
Vortex flowmeter
-Specifically for non-dried and unfiltered compressed air of low quality
-Pressure and temperature compensation via Prowiri, or using an external data manager such as Memograph M
  • Cerabar M
Pressure sensor for recording system pressure
  • Cerabar T
Pressure sensor for monitoring filters (pressure loss due to blockages)
  • Memograph M
Data manager
-Recording (e.g. specific energy consumption, losses)
-Totalising (e.g. performance of multiple compressors)
-Monitoring setpoint values
-Issuing alarms (limit values)
  • EngyVolt
Multifunctional electrical energy meter
-Top-hat rail mounting (RV12)
-Panel mounting (RV15)